Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Appropriated Animation: A Japanese-American Conversation -Angela

In researching the early manifestations of animation in Asia, I came across an essay which discusses the adaptation and appropriation of the American animated films that were becoming available in China and Japan in the early nineteen hundreds. As we saw in class, China was influenced by the films of the Fleisher Bros., Out of the Inkwell, and Japan by Emile Cohl. I came across an interesting follow-up on that creative exchange in the mentioned essay. It notes the similarities between Japanese animator Tezuca Osamu, Jungle Emperor, and Disney's The Lion King.

The Jungle Emperor is said to have been shot three decades earlier than Disney's 1994 film.
In 1989 there was even an sequel to Tezuca's orginial, which is reminiscent of the more familiar (to me) Lion King, yet it actually aired five years earlier.